Thursday, 20 February 2014

This week I'm reading...

I am so sorry it has been so long since I have posted, I have just had a really busy week as my sister came down to visit me at university and we did so much everyday (the highlight has to be my failed attempt at ballroom dancing, which was so much fun but completely terrifying). Anyway, whilst she was here we went to a local charity shop which sells five books for the bargain price of one pound fifty. Here are some of them that I have been reading...
Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
I tried watching the film for this book but found it really confusing so I thought I should read the book and see if that made any sense. The book is surprisingly short considering how long the film is and really easy to read; the plot also seems a lot less confusing than the film. The story centers around six people all in different time periods who all go on a massive adventure (I am really excited for the inevitable plot twist at the end!). The story spans from the nineteenth century reaching across the world and time to create a disturbing post-apocalyptic future. What I love about the concept of this story is its ability to erase all boundaries so the only thing left is human unexplained driving force that ultimately causes them to reach the wonderful end point - whatever that might be. 
Permutation City - Greg Egan 
It time for a bit of my favourite genre - sci-fi. I had never heard of this book before but once I had read the blurb I knew that this was definitely a book for me. It is set in the year 2045 and the concept is that human's are able to copy their personality into cyberspace but as they transfer themselves onto the computer something integral in their personality is lost. The space in which their personality is stored is large enough to contain universities as it is infinite and all seems to be going well... until it goes wrong, and as we all know with technology, when it goes wrong, it goes really wrong. Only one person has the imagination to solve the problem and the fate of the whole world is literally in his hands. 
What really excited me about this book is that it is a 'book crossing' book and you can enter the number online and see where the book has been in the world. Unfortunately, this book has only traveled from the local arts center but I found the whole concept really exciting. If you want to find out more you can check out the website here - 
Happy reading, 
Lots of Love 

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